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The List: Commercial real estate brokerage firms in the Austin area


The List: Commercial real estate brokerage firms in the Austin area

The 2022 list of commercial real estate brokerage firms is open to firms with offices in the Austin area. The list tracks client deals in the Austin area handled the local brokerage operations during 2021. Ranking includes the combined transaction values of sales and leases for commercial buildings, multifamily property sales, pad site and acreage sales. Data is gathered from ABJ surveys sent to company representatives. Only firms that responded to request for information and disclosed ranking data are considered for the list. Tracking 2021, the top 25 listmakers this year seem to have rebounded with combined transaction value of sale and leases reaching $21.2 billion. This reflects almost twice as much activity compared to the $12.8 billion in deals inked during 2020 at the height of pandemic shutdown. 2021 deals also soared past the $18 billion in local transactions reported by the top 25 listmakers during 2019. Of the total $21.2 billion, sales in 2021 accounted for almost $14 billion with 43 million s.f. changing hands. Leases signed during 2021 brought in close to $7.5 billion across 42 million s.f. The online list goes beyond the top 25 to highlight all responders who participated in the survey.